A Humble Home

We're buying a house! In Humble, Texas. It's a silent "h," for whatever reason.

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Monday, May 07, 2007

Ms. Golden

I have a job! Well, almost. Technically I am still waiting to hear from the Human Resources department, but the assistant principal has offered me a job teaching math at Atascocita High School! Reasons why this rocks my world:

  1. Yes, the school building is modeled after Monticello. Thank you for noticing.
  2. Why, yes, the building was finished only last year.
  3. All the classrooms have LCD projectors with little overhead cameras to project whatever worksheet you're working on at your desk.
  4. Class sets of graphing calculators!
  5. A math "Instructional Specialist" (basically what I would call department chair, but better) who is AWESOME and supportive and willing to be like a mentor for my first year (and after that).
  6. A 23-minute door-to-door commute.
  7. I'm going to have my own classes!
  8. They have a Science/Math Olympiad team - how cute is that?
I am definitely going to be teaching a statistics class (I keep forgetting to ask if it's AP Stats), and probably some Algebra I or Geometry. Or Algebra II. They haven't made the schedule for next year yet, so it's still up in the air.

Yay! I am so excited! I begin my six weeks of intensive certification classes next week after I get back from a long Mother's Day weekend in Folsom.

So that's the major news for right now :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Better Pictures!

Since when we visited the house on Friday it was sunny for the first time :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

That's right, we're BUYING A HOUSE.

So today we signed the purchase agreement and are trying to close by the 31st! We walked through today and I tried to take lots of pictures. I was pretty excited, so some of them might not be so great, but you'll probably get the idea.

Scan of the floorplan. Hopefully you can see it!
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Entryway, plus closeup of the highly touted "leaded glass front door"

And then if you turn around, you see the living room and fireplace! And then a view back into the kitchen. Sorry, these pics weren't very well planned out.

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Bad picture of the view looking from the living room through the kitchen and breakfast nook through the front window, plus entryway

Views of the kitchen. SILESTONE COUNTERTOPS!!
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Part of the master bedroom & closet. Apparently I didn't get a good picture of the bedroom itself, but use your imagination.
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Master bath (plus buyer's agent Jeff)

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Laundry room across from the bathroom
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Vague pictures of the bedrooms:

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Backyard-y type pictures (through the window in the living room)
The great news about the trees behind us is that they seem to be part of city property around a water pump station to the left (we will be planting trees or something to obscure the view) and another park, so no houses behind us! Just trees!
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